
深夜加油站遇見蘇格拉底 (Chap. 1 & 2) (書摘) - Dan Millman

Way of the peaceful warrior: A book that changes lives
原文作者:Dan Millman

There is no way to peace; Peace is the Way.
There is no way to happiness; Happiness is the Way.
There is no way to love; Love is the Way.

You are overflowing with preconceptions, full of useless knowledge. You hold many facts and opinions, yet know little of yourself. Before you can learn, you'll have to first empty your mind.

「了解是智力單一面向的理解,它帶來知識;領悟則是頭腦、心靈及本能三個面向同時都能理解。只有直接的經驗才能讓人有所領悟。」(p. 30)
Understanding is one dimensional. It is the comprehension of the intellect. It leads to knowledge, which you have. Realization, on the other hand, is three dimensional. It is the simultaneous comprehension of the 'whole-body'—the head, heart, and physical instincts. It comes only from clear experience.

「盡量使用你擁有的任何知識,可是要看出它們的限制。光有知識還不夠,知識沒有心。再多的知識也不能滋養或支撐你的心靈,它永遠也無法帶給你終極的幸福或平靜。生命所需要的不僅是知識而己,還得有熱烈的感情和源源不絕持續不斷的能量。生命必須採取正確的行動,才能讓知識活過來。」 (p. 36)
Use whatever knowledge you have but see its limitations. Knowledge alone does not suffice; it has no heart. No amount of knowledge will nourish or sustain your spirit; it can never bring you ultimate happiness or peace. Life requires more than knowledge; it requires intense feeling and constant energy. Life demands right action if knowledge is to come alive.

「你的問題就在這裡,你知道,卻不採取行動。你才不是勇士。」(p. 36)
That's your problem—you know but you don't act. You're not a warrior.

「你說不定偶而可以體驗到勇士的心智狀態,有決心、有彈性、思緒清晰、沒有絲毫疑惑。你可以鍛鍊出勇士的身體,柔軟、靈活、敏感、充滿能量。碰上難得的時刻,你甚至會感受到勇士的心靈,對週遭一切都慈悲為懷。可是你只擁有這些特質的片斷,你缺乏整合。」(p. 36)

「你要是想平安通過接下來的考驗,就需要擁有更多的能量。你必需消除身體的緊繃,拋棄腦中陳腐的想法,敞開心靈,接受慈愛。」(p. 38)
To survive the lessons ahead, you're going to need far more energy than ever before. You must cleanse your body of tension, free your mind of stagnant knowledge, and open your heart to the energies of true emotion.

你必須為你現在的生活負責,而不是為你所受到的困境去責怪別人或環境。等你真正張開眼睛時,你會看到你的健康、幸福和生活的各種困境,大部分都是你自己一手造成的──不管是有意或無意間。」 (p. 46)
It is better for you to take responsibility for your life as it is, instead of blaming others, or circumstances, for your predicament. As your eyes open, you'll see that your state of health, happiness, and every circumstance of your life has been, in large part, arranged by you—consciously or unconsciously.

在每個地方,在每個人身體裡面,都住著迷惑的心智,正在做痛苦的追尋。現實永遠無法和他們夢想相契合;幸福就在轉角處,他們卻從來沒有走到過那個角落。而之所以會這樣,始作俑者就是人們的心智。」(p. 62)
Everyone everywhere lives a confused, bitter search. Reality never matched their dreams; happiness was just around the corner - a corner they never turned. And the source of it all is the human mind.

你是被自己的幻象所囚禁的俘虜,你對自己和這個世界懷有幻覺。你需要擁有強大的勇氣和力量,才能掙脫幻象,獲得自由。」(p. 71)
You're a prisoner of your own illusions - about yourself and about the world.

「你如果得不到想要的東西,就會受苦;得到不想要的東西,也會受苦;就連得到你正好想要的東西,仍然會受苦,因為你無法永遠擁有它。你的心智就是你的困境。它想要免於改變,免於痛苦,免於生與死的必然性。然而,改變是一項法則,再怎麼假裝,都不能改變這個事實。」 (p. 73 )
If you don't get what you want, you suffer; if you get what you don't want, you suffer; even when you get exactly what you want, you still suffer because you can't hold on to it forever. Your mind is your predicament. It wants to be free of change. Free of pain, free of the obligations of life and death. But change is a law, and no amount of pretending will alter that reality.

左右著你心情好壞的本源,是你的心智,而不是別人,更也不是你所在的環境。」(p. 79)

Every positive change -- every jump to a higher level of energy and awareness -- involves a rite of passage. Each time to ascend to a higher rung on the ladder of personal evolution, we must go through a period of discomfort, of initiation. I have never found an exception.

